Beautiful wooden artifacts from the tribes of India

Aug 27, 2010

Naga Tribes

Heres' an interesting extract from a history of the Naga tribes.

"In this world of a war of all against all, The Naga's added the ritual importance of head-hunting.  Life was given it's central purpose by the quest for heads.  Boys would not become men without the ritual tattooing only to be undertaken after a successful head-hunt; girls would not be attracted to men without the spendid head-hunting dance and decorations.  Success and merit in every field depended on heads."

Extract from:

Aug 12, 2010

New to Australia

Tony and Marcia are please to announce the first shipment of beautiful pieces sourced from the Naga land tribes of India.  Unique items include tribal beds (that make great coffee tables), dowry boxes (fabulous for a buffet) and milk pots (something different as an occasional piece).